Privacy Policy

Privacy policy and use of cookies

The Polish Centre of the International Association of Theatres for Children and Young People ASSITEJ, based in Warsaw (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) attaches particular importance to respecting the privacy of users visiting the website. The data collected in the logs is used only for the administration of the website. We do not seek to identify users of the pages. No identifying data, for any purpose, is passed on to any third party.

Data collection

As is standard practice for most websites, we store HTTP requests made to our server. The resources viewed are identified by URLs. The exact list of information stored in the web server log files is as follows:

  • the public IP address of the computer from which the request came (this can be the user’s computer directly),
  • the name of the client station – identification via HTTP if possible,
  • the name of the user given in the authentication process,
  • the time of the request,
  • the first line of the HTTP request,
  • the HTTP response code,
  • the number of bytes sent by the server,
  • the URL of the page previously visited by the user (referer link), in the event that the Association’s website was accessed via a link,
  • information about your browser,
  • information about errors that occurred during the HTTP transaction.

This data is not associated with specific visitors to the Association’s website. In order to ensure the highest possible quality of the website, we occasionally analyse log files to determine: which pages are visited most frequently, which web browsers are used, whether the structure of the website contains errors, etc.

Data usage

The collected logs are stored for an indefinite period of time as support material for the administration of the website. The information contained in them is not disclosed to anyone except those authorised to administer the server and the Association’s network. Based on the log files, statistics may be generated as an aid to administration. Aggregate summaries in the form of such statistics do not contain any identifying characteristics of visitors to the website.

Cookies mechanism

The Cookies mechanism is not used to obtain any information about website users or to track their navigation. The cookies used on the Association’s services do not store any personal data or other information collected from users.
The Association’s website may periodically use a session cookie called INFO – to record the fact that you have read highlighted information. The cookie is created in order to limit the number of periodically appearing advertisements. Thanks to the use of the cookie, the information is only displayed once per user session and does not appear again when the user moves to another page of the website. The aforementioned session cookie, if created, occurs for a specific period of time, and only for the duration of the time that the website is visited by the user. Closing the browser window with the website page deletes the created file.

Links to other websites

The Association’s website contains links to other websites. We cannot be held responsible for the privacy practices of these websites. We urge you to read the privacy policies of these other websites when you visit them. This privacy policy only applies to the Association’s websites.


The Association reserves the right to make changes to this policy in the event of events that require such changes.