“U Machulskich” Theatre Centre

The “U Machulskich” Theatre Centre continues the tradition of the now legendary Theatre Centre at Teatr Ochoty, founded nearly 40 years ago by Halina and Jan Machulski. It is a place for creative young people aged 7 – 18. Many of today’s well-known and respected actors, directors, journalists, musicians, as well as specialists in other fields, developed their personalities, learnt to function in an ensemble and made their first public appearances at the Centre.

Participants of “U Machulskich” Theatre Centre take part in acting, movement and music classes, prepare theatre performances together with excellent instructors. In winter and summer they participate in theatre camps and workshops. Experiences and skills gained at the Centre, as well as friendships made there, remain for life. This has been proven for a long time and has been confirmed by many generations.

The Centre welcomes new applicants every year. Information about entrance examinations is available on Facebook.

Anna Kozłowska