Ognisko Online

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we created the Ognisko Online, a creative activity for the youngest, aimed at children aged 5-8. These were theatre lessons from which children could learn in an interactive activity: who an actor is, how to convey emotions with their voice and body, and how to develop their imagination and creativity. Our classes helped the little ones gain self-confidence, taught them how to cooperate and communicate with their peers, sensitised them to art – and gave their parents ideas for creative ways to spend time together! The project supported the artistic and cultural education of the youngest audiences with precise content objectives. Each episode was accompanied by a PDF with instructions for parents, explaining the educational goals of the episode, the artistic methods and techniques used in the episode, and an explanation of the homework assignment with helpful tips.

Creators of Ognisko Online: Anna Burzyńska, Adam Biernacki, Sebastian Królikowski, Grzegorz Mroziński