As part of the international ASSITEJ Association, we strive to create projects not only on a local or national level. Through the efforts of the members of our Association’s Board, in recent years we have been able to realise performances with foreign partners. Among them were:
na podstawie powieści „Bieguni” Olgi Tokarczuk
premiera 20.12.2020, Writers’ House of Georgia | Royal District Theatre | Tbilisi, Gruzja
na podstawie cyklu „Dekalog” Krzysztofa Kieślowskiego i Krzysztofa Piesiewicza
premiera 9. 11. 2019 r. Royal District Theatre, Tbilisi, Gruzja
Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre
Premiera: 4 października 2017, Marjanisvhvili State Drama Theatre
na podstawie opowiadań Janusza Korczaka
premiera: 11 maja 2014 r., MaskKara Tiyatrosu, Stambuł